Argentinsk Tango med Marcelo Almiron
Argentinsk Tango med Marcelo Amiron
Dansklasser erbjuder dig möjligheten att prova på Argentisk Tango, en pardans med stor karaktär.
Argentinsk Tango!
2 olika nivåer
Basic och Medel
Datum: 23 Februari 2023
Tid: 19.00 – 20.00 Basic
Tid: 20.15 – 21.15 Fortsättning
Plats: Hantverkargatan 3K, Kungsholmen
Pris: 150:- / timme/person
Huvudinstruktör: Marcelo Almiron
Medinstruktör: Ann-Charlotte Vacker
Obs! Undervisningen sker i huvudsak på Engelska, men översätts av Ann-Charlotte vid behov.
Förkunskap nivåer:
Basic – från noll och uppåt
Medel Ni har dansat tango i minst ett år
Marcelos ord om Tango:
What is Tango ?
Tango is a vibrant and playful dance between two people. It has very rich potential for expression, improvisation and connection and is danced in both modern and traditional styles. It is often described as a passionate dance, because of the close connection partners can have, the character of the music, and also relating to some of the dance’s history.
At the heart of tango (Argentine tango) is the desire to listen to, understand and converse with the person you’re dancing with, through this unique language of dance. So tango can be many things for different people. Almost any type of music that can be walked to can be tangoed to, which means just about anyone can do it!
In tango there is a ‘leader’ and ‘follower’. Through the embrace, the leader offers invitations to the follower for where and how to step. The follower decides in what way they will accept the leader’s invitations. Both leader and follower try to maintain harmony and connection through the embrace, and with the music, and so the dance is born.
“Tango is sharing a moment of intimacy and understanding with another person”
“It’s truly magic, how two people can really move as one, so connected with each other and the music – that’s tango”
About Marcelo Almiron:
As a teacher:
In his classes he offers his sharp and deep vision of all dimensions of this dance. His unique teaching method is a result of many years of teaching and performing experience and a quintessence of his knowledge in tango. The core objective of his teaching method is to give his students the understanding of tango and the ability to create their own dance.
He is a Dancer with more than 30 years of experience in tango. He dances from the age of 15. He studied intensively contemporary dance, jazz and break dance. He’s been dancing tango since 1990 – when he started his tango education with the authentic milongueros de la Guardia Vieja Rodolfo and Maria Cieri.
During 1994 and 1999 he continued his search of his tango with the most renowned maestros of different styles, such as: Juan Carlos Copes (stage tango), Nito y Elba (Tango Salón), Pepito Avellaneda (milonga), Gustavo Naveira (nuevo tango) and many others.
Marcelo is dancing all the tango styles. He presents authentic traditional tango salon but he also dances tango milonguero and the old canyengue style as well as tango show, milonga and tango-vals. In his dance he makes vast use of the modern tendencies and technique of tango nuevo, thus forming his unique and vast background which lets him dance to any kind of tango music representing differents ages and styles.
Since 2003 he has been teaching and performing in various countries in Europe, such as, Italy, Portugal, Spain, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Sweden, Greece and Cyprus. And he also as been teaching in many good raputable Tango School in Buenos Aires His rich experience of more than 20 years in tango combined with the passionate expression and great professionalism reflects in his art-creating way of dancing tango.
Varmt välkommen !
Vackers Dansklasser AB